I'm Ready Now

Get The Support, Strategies, & Tools To Achieve Your Best In Life & Business!


Sometimes we need to jump in and figure it out as we go, but ultimately, it's our responsibility to learn how to lead, scale, and coach without collateral damage. 


If you are tired of this cycle, It's TIME to become the MAGNETIC and ALIGNED LEADER you are meant to be!


It's TIME to cultivate sustainable growth from within so you can become who you aspire to be, achieve incredible purpose-driven goals, and feel CONFIDENT, MAGNETIC, and ABUNDANT.

This is a FREEDOM Model that you can apply to ANY area of your life & Business.

Let's do this!


We do this by coaching & training you on the following success pillars:



YOU need YOU to be at your best.  Your family and community need YOU at your best. And the world needs stronger and more purpose-driven leaders to be at their best.  This is how we can create a ripple of change.   


...And you won't believe the bonus we have for you to support your ability to achieve this...

Welcome to the Thrive Templates Vault!

Get access to over 60+ templates NOW with weekly Group Coaching & Training + Bonuses for ONLY $888 

(or $88/month with drip access)

(Thrive Template's Vault Value $19,997)




I help individuals align with their highest self and activate their authentic potential to create flow, freedom and magnetism within their life and business.

Self Mastery, Leadership, Performance & Coach Mastery.

I take on 1:1 VIP Coaching clients, and I run group programs and masterminds.

Can’t wait to work alongside of you,

Charlotte xx

Maria Markusen

Charlotte’s vision is to help other women find levels of success they never knew were possible.   

And that she did.  Charlotte led me through a personal and professional assessment and journey of self-discovery, challenging my habits, thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.  A process that led me to become President of a $25M+ business and find joy with my family, my community, and my work simultaneously.  A mindset leads to confidence, command, and joy as a woman leader and mother.    

One of my first decisions as president of my new company was to hire Charlotte to help assess, design, and shape the culture of the business.  Just as my success with Charlotte led to excellence, I was certain she could help our leadership team and company grow and thrive.  Once again, Charlotte did not disappoint.  With her influence, our business now has the right people, culture, and profit.  We are on a growth path of success to double our business in eighteen months, allowing us to secure equity investment for growth.  She used coaching, training, cultural influence, values, and people as a tool to grow.  And I’m certain her method, drive for excellence, grit, and expertise have the potential to blanket the business world, leading other thriving companies and the success of Charlotte’s own company as a result.


Janet Trpin

Founder & CEO

I am the CEO of a company that has seen rapid growth, and I felt lost in what I wanted. I wanted to be more in control of its growth and ensure it aligned with my goals, values, vision, and family needs. She took me through a structured program, and as "ah-ha's" occurred, we would deep-dive into the topic further. We have completed the structured program but continue to meet weekly as she keeps me focused and honest with my emotional self.

Mila Aldrin

VP of Digital Marketing

Thank you so much for this inspiring and motivating leadership training - it's been an eye-opening and life-changing experience. Your coaching helped me go from simply living my life to living my life with purpose. The sessions are super thought-provoking but also very actionable. Thanks to this training, I not only learned how to be a stronger and more courageous leader, but I also learned to be a better human. It forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and start immediately instilling behaviors to help me achieve my personal and professional goals instead of detracting from them. The lessons and simple exercises helped me take control of my health, fitness, and spirituality in a way I never had before. I also learned the importance of reflecting so my learnings and insights get ingrained into me. Thank you, Charlotte, for creating this amazing program!




This group isn't for you if you are not ready to level up and shift from the inside out. You may not be prepared to be coached if you are not open to feedback and new perspectives, resistant to change or self-reflection, or have a fixed mindset on maintaining the status quo rather than embracing growth and development.

Coaching requires us to step into change and examine what is coming up.  

I'm a coach who cuts through the noise and will help you take action to be who you want to be, achieve the things that are most important to you, and feel the way you want to feel in life.


Every next level requires us to create space for new abundance, and I hope you will join us.

You deserve it,

Charlotte xx


Frequently Asked Questions:

I'm ready to get started!


Let's do this!

Juli Ann Booker

Vice President, Strategy and Operations

I've had the pleasure of working with Charlotte. Charlotte has an innate ability to challenge you while keeping you feeling empowered. While Charlotte does not coddle you, she does make you see your value and potential beyond what you might believe. The high performance program that we have been working through has given me the most amazing toolbox full of skills and ideas that I implement everyday. The pieces that have made me the most uncomfortable have also facilitated my growth. I can say without a doubt that the teammate, leader and person I am now is a far more productive and positive one than I was 6 months ago. My favourite part of working with Charlotte is how new ideas are layered on week by week that affect small changes and eventually turn into big ones. I tell her all the time that I hear her voice in my head whenever I'm stepping into a new challenge or just trying to approach things from a different angle. The way I communicate with both the people that report to me and those I report to has improved significantly. Charlotte's program has been a key part of my success and growth within my company and I would recommend it to anyone. 

Kim Kelty

CEO + Branding & Podcast Production

Charlotte is one of a kind. Many people are out there doing what she does as a Health, Leadership, Business, and Mindset Coach. She takes it to the next level by showing empathy, grace, and support. I am confident that Charlotte can take someone's mindset and/or business to the next life. She has taken my LIFE to the next level!

I'm ready to get started!


Let's do this!

More Testimonials from our Clients ... 

Pam Fischer


I appreciate Charlotte's tough/direct coaching style and priceless knowledge, experience, and lessons. This has been the most powerful and impactful group coaching that I have ever done. I love her direct and no-BS coaching style. She holds me to the highest standards and commands results, which is exactly what I need to become the best version of myself. I love her style and am learning so much from her experiences and tips as a top coach, businesswoman, and parent. 

She is a true pro, and I highly recommend enrolling in her programs.

Marianne Zakhour

Associate VP of Solutions

Working with Charlotte is fun and a great way to gain new perspectives. If anyone is wondering whether to work with Charlotte, I say this: Would you go for a walk in a beautiful but dark forest without a flashlight?

Shaelyn Crutchley

President + CMO

The time with Charlotte and her team has allowed me to truly reflect and develop myself into becoming a better leader to my team and a more thoughtful and intentional wife and mother. Time does not slow down, but intentionally prioritizing ME has helped me be more productive with how I use my time and the time of others.

Andrea Wilkey

Executive Director

I appreciate Charlotte's tough/direct coaching style and priceless knowledge, experience, and lessons. This has been the most powerful and impactful group coaching that I have ever done. I love her direct and no-BS coaching style. She holds me to the highest standards and commands results, which is exactly what I need to become the best version of myself. I love her style and am learning so much from her experiences and tips as a top coach, businesswoman, and parent. 

She is a true pro, and I highly recommend enrolling in her programs.

Willow Enewold

Culture & Strategy at Pinnacle Professional Accounting 

Charlotte has been instrumental in helping us build a strong team. She has assisted with team recruitment, cohesion, issue management and conflict resolution. She has helped bring our management group together so they can sing from the same hymnbook. We consider Charlotte to be a member of our team...she is an invaluable resource for our organization.

Kayla Heddle

Founder & CEO of The Roasted Chickpea

Charlotte, you rock! You can be my biggest advocate while also holding me accountable for my sh*t! I have already learned so much from you, especially about self-worth, boundaries, not playing into the whole "mom guilt" persona, scheduling, best living, and the list goes on. I feel grateful to be part of this group! I appreciate that you always bring your most energetic positive energy to each call and each interaction.